What to Do When Your Basement Floods with Sewage

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Discovering that your basement has flooded with sewage is a homeowner's nightmare. It's not only dangerous to your health, but it can also ruin your property. Basement sewage flooding can be a result of various issues, such as a clogged sewer line, heavy rains overwhelming the system, or a backup of the municipal sewer. Regardless of the cause, swift and appropriate action is essential. This article will help you know what to do if this happens to you. It will keep you safe and help you protect your home from damage.

Immediate Actions to Take

1. Ensure Safety First

Before you do anything, make sure it's safe to enter your basement. Sewage water can carry harmful bacteria and viruses, so it's crucial to avoid direct contact. If you must enter the area, wear protective clothing, including gloves, boots, and a face mask.

2. Turn Off Electricity and Gas

If the water level has reached any electrical outlets, appliances, or your gas unit, there's a risk of electric shock or a gas leak. Turn off your home's power and gas supply at the main switch before doing anything else.

3. Stop the Water Source If Possible

If the flooding is due to a blockage in your home's plumbing and not an overwhelmed sewer system, try to stop the water at its source. This may involve turning off the main water supply to your home.

4. Call Professionals

Dealing with sewage is not a DIY job. Contact a professional sewage cleanup company as soon as possible. These experts have the necessary equipment and experience to handle the cleanup safely and effectively.

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Assessing the Damage

Once the area is safe to enter, you can start assessing the extent of the damage. This will be important for insurance purposes and for planning the cleanup and repair process.

1. Document Everything

Take photos or videos of the flooded area and any damaged items. These will be crucial when you file an insurance claim. Make a list of all damaged property.

2. Contact Your Insurance Company

Reach out to your insurance provider to report the incident. They'll guide you through the claims process and may also recommend professional sewage cleanup services.

3. Understand the Cleanup Process

Professional sewage cleanup involves several steps, including removing the water, drying out the area, and disinfecting all surfaces. Any porous materials that have come into contact with sewage will likely need to be discarded.

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Preventing Future Basement Sewage Floods

Once your basement is clean and safe, it's important to take steps to prevent future sewage flooding.

1. Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your home's plumbing system can help prevent blockages that might lead to sewage back-ups.

2. Install a Backwater Valve

A backwater valve is a device that can be installed on your sewer line to prevent sewage from re-entering your home during a backup.

3. Consider Sewer Line Inspection

It's wise to have a professional inspect your sewer line for any potential issues that could cause flooding.

4. Landscape With Care

Ensure that the grading around your home directs water away from your foundation and that trees with invasive roots are kept away from sewer lines.

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Long-Term Basement Repair and Restoration

After the immediate crisis is handled and preventative measures are in place, it's time to focus on basement repair and restoration.

1. Assess Structural Damage

Evaluate the structural integrity of your basement. You may need to hire a structural engineer if significant damage has occurred.

2. Restore and Remodel

If necessary, begin the process of restoring and remodeling your basement. This might include replacing drywall, flooring, and electrical systems.

3. Upgrade Your Basement

Consider upgrading your basement with waterproofing measures, such as a sump pump or interior drainage systems, to handle potential water issues in the future.


Basement sewage flooding is a daunting ordeal, but with quick action and professional help, the damage can be mitigated. Remember to prioritize safety, document everything for insurance, and seek the help of experts. Taking preventative steps and investing in repairs and upgrades can help you avoid a repeat of this unpleasant experience.

By following these guidelines, you can navigate through the crisis of a sewage-filled basement and work towards restoring your home to its pre-flood condition. For professional assistance, consider reaching out to BigBear Restoration. Our experienced team is equipped to handle basement sewage floods efficiently and effectively, ensuring your home is restored and protected against future incidents.

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